To accumulate money in funds managed by the Company. The Company, as defined by legal acts from credit institutions, financial brokerage firms, management firms, that have the right to provide investment services, accepts insurance premiums and accumulates them in Deposit insurance fund and Liabilities to investors insurance fund. Aiming to ensure effective collection of insurance premiums insurance premium reports are checked, their deadlines are observed and insurance premium contribution is controlled.
To invest managed funds and Company‘s own capital money to state government and central banks‘ value paper as defined by the Council. Investment security and liquidity is ensured primarily. Secondary objective, once investment security and liquidity is ensured, is return on investment.
When ensured event takes place, expeditiously, within defind deadlines, calculate and pay out insurance payouts. Tools to complete the task: insurance payout calculation in case of insured event, formation of insurance payout beneficiary list, payout of insurance payouts.