Information is prepared in line with Lithuanian Law on Deposit and Liabilities to Investors Insurance (the Law).


I General information about insurance of deposits

The participants of the deposit insurance system of the Republic of Lithuania are banks and credit unions:
1) banks established in the Republic of Lithuania, including branches of these banks established in the Republic of Lithuania and other member states;
2) banks of third countries, which have established a branch in the Republic of Lithuania, in which the deposits held are not insured or their protection is not secured in any other way under the legislation of a third country were a bank falling within its jurisdiction has established a branch;
3) banks of third countries, which have established a branch in the Republic of Lithuania, in which the deposits held are insured (compensated) or their protection is not secured under the legislation of a third country, but the council of the insurance undertaking determines that these conditions of deposit insurance (compensation) or any other conditions securing their protection are less favourable than required under the law;
4) credit unions established in the Republic of Lithuania and the Central Credit Union.
The list of the deposit insurance system participants is available here.

The full list of banks operating in Lithuania that are not the participants of the Lithuanian deposit insurance system is available here. these banks participate in the analogous insurance schemes of other member states of the european union. more detailed information about insurance conditions is published on the interment websites of these banks.

II Object of insurance

The Deposit insurance coverage is provided for the appropriately insured deposits of depositors in all currencies held with credit institutions. A deposit means a cash balance, resulting from funds held in an account opened with a credit institution under a bank deposit or a bank account agreement or from temporary situations where the credit institution provides financial services, which the credit institution is required to repay under Laws or agreements, but excluding a credit balance here:

  1. Its existence can only be proven by a financial instrument;
  2. Its principal is not repayable at PAR;
  3. Its principal is repayable at PAR only under a particular guarantee or agreement providede by the credit institution or a third party.

Deposit insured event is considered as filing for a bankruptcy by member of deposit guarantee scheme (the DGS) or a decision by supervisory authority to declare the DGS member insolvent, when DGS member due to its financial situation cannot honor its liabilities in returning the deposits and there is reason to believe that it will not be able to do so in near future.

If DGS member whose deposit insurance was withdrawn files for a bankruptcy proceedings, the Company only pays insurance compensations to depositors whose deposits were accepted and not returned before the day of insured event.

The deposit insurance object is not and deposit insurance compensations are not paid for:

  1. Deposits by other credit institutions, held in own account and name;
  2. Credit institution`s own capital;
  3. Deposits, regarding which a money legal conviction is made for money laundering.
  4. Deposits by financial institutions;
  5. Deposits by management firms;
  6. Deposits by brokerage firms;
  7. Deposits by unidentified persons (deposits in anonymous and coded accounts);
  8. Deposits by insurance and reinsurance companies and insurance and reinsurance companies established in other Member States and in third countries;
  9. Deposits by collective investment subjects;
  10. Deposits by pension funds;
  11. Deposits by central or local government institutions and offices, as defined by Law of State service of Republic of Lithuania, except money kept in such institution’s depository accounts, owned by other persons;
  12. Deposits by Bank of Lithuania;
  13. Debt value papers issued by DGS member and it’s liabilities, related to it’s acceptances and promissory notes;
  14. Electronic money and money received by electronic money owners in exchange for electronic money. Insurance compensations are also not paid to depositors for deposits held in account, in which no transactions related to deposit took place over last 24 months until the insured event and deposit size is less than 10 euro.

Insurance compensation amount is equal to eligible for insurance deposits sum owned by depositor, that was in credit institution on the day of insured event, however it cannot be larger than 100 000 euro. Larger than 100 000 euro insurance compensation to depositor (natural person only) is calculated and paid in line with order and conditions set by the Law, when no more than 6 months before the day of the insured event money was included in the account on the following basis:

  • For a sold or otherwise transferred rights of ownership of housing (including related land), to which depositor had rights of ownership, however this sum cannot exceed 300 000 euro.
  • For money inherited by depositor, by testament or by Law, however this sum cannot exceed 200 000 euro;
  • For depositor’s money received as beneficiary for life insurance agreement or agreement that meets its’ nature in instance of death, however this sum cannot exceed 200 000 euro.
  • For depositor’s money received in cases set out by laws for death of other persons while performing work or service-related duties as compensation or its payout that meets its nature, however this sum cannot exceed 200 000 euro.
  • Money transferred in cases set out by laws as payout or compensation for damage done by violent crime or damage, that was caused by pre-trial officers, attorney, judge or court actions, however this sum cannot exceed 200 000 euro.

Insurance payouts are paid out within 7 working days.
The Company receives data required for calculation of the insurance payouts from the bankrupting DGS member and calculates insurance payout for every depositor. A bank is selected via which insurance payouts are to be paid out and insurance payout data is transmitted to the bank.

The Company informs public via mass media about where and how insurance payouts are paid. This kind of payment of insurance payout is common around the world. It is important that depositor is not required to take any action to recover the deposit. There is no need for addressing the bankrupt bank or credit union, nor the Company by writing requests and etc. Depositor only should come to the bank via which insurance payouts are paid and claim the insurance payout.

Please note, that in case a depositor (natural person) claims larger deposit insurance payout than 100 000 euro in line with the Law’s article 4 part 2, depositor must submit additional request and the supporting documents.

Deposit insurance payouts are calculated and paid by the Company in accordance to the DGS member’s’ data on the day of the insured event. DGS member is responsible for data verity and its transmission to the Company on time.

Insurance payouts are calculated and paid in euro.

Depositors’ insurance payout is calculated as follows:

In calculating deposit insurance payout sum for a single depositor, all deposits eligible for insurance in all currencies held by the depositor (including legal person depositor or other organization branches, representatives, other structural units) in a single credit institution, to which depositor has right of claim, including accrued but not paid interests on the day of the insured event are included. Depositor’s liabilities to the credit institution are not accounted for in calculations of deposit insurance payout. If insurance eligible deposit is held in a join account, insurance eligible deposit is divided to every co-owner in even parts, if agreements from which right of claim comes or court decisions regulate otherwise. Every person must inform the credit institution that an account is a joint account, when one opens a joint account, and provide identity confirming documents of the persons that have rights to the deposits in the joint accounts, in line with legal acts and credit institutions procedures. If insurance eligible deposit is in a depository account, insurance eligible deposit is divided for every natural or legal person or other organization to which money held in the depository account belongs, by share of the deposit that they own. Every person, when opening account at a credit institution in which money belonging to other persons’ on ownership, trust or other basis will be held, must inform credit institution that the account is depository and specify the law under which such account is opened, and at credit institutions request within 5 business days provide information about every person to whom money belongs in such account.

Deposit insurance amount is equal to the sum of depositors’ insurance eligible deposits, that was in a credit institution on the day of the insured event, however it cannot exceed a sum of 100 000 euro.

Larger than 100 000 euro insurance compensation to depositor (natural person only) is calculated and paid in line with order and conditions set by the Law, when no more than 6 months before the day of the insured event money was included in the account, acquired in cases set out by the Law article 4 part 2.

As defined by the Law, depositor is a person on which behalf the account was opened. Answering the question, it is important to evaluate natural person’s capacity (Civil Code articles 2.5 – 2.9). The general principle is that parents or custodians are responsible for minors, and assets that belong to the minors are managed by usufruct rights (CC article 3.185). If account agreement is signed on behalf of a minor, minor is the depositor. Therefore, if a minor (person under age of 18) has a deposit in a credit institution and insured event is declared for the credit institution, then insurance payout for the deposit would be calculated on behalf of the minor but parents would be managing (in this case – claim the payout) the money.

Depositor’s right to claim insurance payout is valid for 5 years from the day of the insured event.

„Danske Bank A/S“ Lietuvos branch are not members of Lithuanian DGS, however they are members of analog DGS in other European Union countries (detailed information can be found on these bank’s websites).

Please note, that state company „Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas“ is not authorized to interpret laws, therefore information provided is only an opinion of no legal consequences. Please also note, that Lithuanian courts or institutions applying legal acts can interpret them differently than above. In the event of a dispute final situation appraisal can be done by courts of Republic of Lithuania with respect to existing understanding of contents of legal acts.