Insurance compensations for the unissued shares and bonds of the bank Snoras
State company „Deposit and Investment Insurance“ (hereinafter – DII) informs that DII continues to pay deposit insurance compensations from the Deposit Insurance Fund to the holders of the bankrupt unissued shares and bonds of the bank Snoras (hereinafter – Snoras). All holders of unissued shares and bonds of Snoras are invited to apply for deposit insurance compensation before the deadline for withdrawal of deposits.
Please be informed that according to the decision of the Supreme Court of Lithuania of 22 June 2018 in civil case no. 3K-3-232-969/2018 the compensations to the holders of unissued shares and bonds of Snoras will be paid until March 22, 2023.
The holders of unissued shares and bonds of Snoras can apply for the insurance compensations in three ways:
1) submit an application via the electronic portal of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania , accessible at (section: “Citizens”, Service name: “Information related to Deposits and/or Investment Insurance”) or via a direct link: 7b0c3a2e08e3;
2) visit DII, Algirdo str. 31, Vilnius, LT-03219, Lithuania, present an identity document and submit an application with the bank account number;
3) through a representative in accordance with the procedure established by legal acts.
For more information please contact us by e-mail [email protected] or by phones +370 686 73952 or +370 606 08048.