Public survey on deposit insurance

The public institution „Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas”, in order to assess the knowledge of the population about the deposit insurance system, conducts a survey of the country’s population every year.

In cooperation with the public opinion and market research company „Spinter tyrimai”, we conducted such a survey in 2024 and are sharing its results.

  • 49.35  % of the respondents know that all types of deposits and money in the current account are covered by deposit insurance.
  • 50.23 % respondents correctly indicate that the maximum amount of payment in case of bankruptcy of the credit institution amounts to EUR 100,000.
  • 36 % respondents rightly believe that the depositor could collect the insurance payment within 5 years. from the day of the insured event.
  • 61.65 % of the respondents know that VŠĮ „Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas” is responsible for the payment of insurance benefits.

1068 respondents were interviewed during the research. The entire territory of the country was studied. Residents of the country aged 18-75 were surveyed.

The results of the survey show that although more than 40 percent of respondents know the deposit and liability insurance system, but for the year 2025 we set ourselves the task of achieving an even greater public awareness of the deposit and liability insurance system and the activities of the public institution „Indėlių ir investicijų draudimas” are to educate the public!